"Due to necessary maintenance, there will be changes to the Mobile Service, with a reduced browsing range and no Wi-Fi or computers available at some stops. We are working hard to resume the normal service as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience." 

Introducing the Deadly Collection

YPRL Staff

3 August, 2023

As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting positive change within the community and highlighting First Nations culture and creators, we are excited to launch the Deadly Collection on 4 August 2023.  

The Deadly Collection was born from co-design with our local First Nations communities, who asked for stronger visibility of their culture and stories within our library collection. In Aboriginal English, the word 'Deadly' has a similar meaning to the English words fantastic, wonderful, or awesome. Through consultation with our local Indigenous communities, this was the name chosen for Yarra Plenty Regional Library's First Nations collection.

We want Indigenous Australian stories, voices, and illustrations to be discoverable and prominent within our wider collection, and the Deadly Collection initiative will achieve this by: 

  • Every Deadly Collection book will have a prominent label on the front cover and spine as a visual marker for browsing in our branches and hubs. The Deadly Collection logo and collateral were designed by Wurundjeri Artist Alex Kerr, who has let us know that the blue, white and orange circles represent meeting places depicting those who visit the library, with Bunjil (eagle) the creator watching over us all while we conduct business on country. The curved path shows the cultural journey that the library and the community are all currently on and will continue on in the sharing cultural knowledge through the books to the community. Lastly, we have the two Kangaroo footprints in the colours of both the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander flags - which represent both people and their connection to the stories in the collection.  

  • All Deadly Collection titles will be identifiable in the library catalogue. Search for the keywords ‘Deadly Collection’ to immediately browse and reserve First Nations titles from our collection. 
  • We’ve installed customised shelving in every branch to best feature the Deadly Collection. 
  • We’ve asked our suppliers to purchase more Deadly titles on our behalf, so that we can continue to grow the collection over time. Titles written, illustrated, directed by, or featuring First Nations creatives will be added to our collection as a priority. 

The launch on 4 August will coincide with National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, a day dedicated to celebrating the strength and culture of First Nations children. (Special storytime sessions are happening across all our branches on this day also.) The date has also been used historically to communally celebrate the birthdays of those children who were victims of the Stolen Generations, who may not know their birthdays. 

Deadly Collection Book Sticker

About the Author

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