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Kids Corner: Splash in Puddles

YPRL Staff

19 July, 2024

Make a Splash!

John had Great Big Waterproof Boots on;

John had a Great Big Waterproof Hat;

John had a Great Big Waterproof Mackintosh –

And that (Said John) is that.

 - A. A. Milne

Have you ever splashed in puddles?

No matter their age, children find them irresistible. After a rainstorm, go hunting for them.

You can walk through the puddles, splash in them, swish your feet in them, play with water toys in them, and play with sticks in them too.

Try it barefoot – there’s nothing like it! You can go out on a family “mud walk” and explore what mud is like. Write messages and draw pictures in the mud along the way.

Books of Interest:

Rainy Day Stories by Enid Blyton 

In this collection by Enid Blyton, children stumble upon secret rooms on rainy days and gnomes pretend they can forecast the weather.

The rain may be pouring down in these stories, but there's plenty of mischief and adventure to be found.

Puddle Hunters by Kirsty Murray 

This beautiful book captures the eternal delight of young children splashing about in puddles and experimenting with language.

When the rain stops it's time to go puddle hunting. Ruby and Banjo and Mum go up the street, and into the park, over the bridge and down to the river flats where the puddles lie waiting... Splosh it, Ruby! Splosh it, Banjo! Splosh it, Mum!

A glorious celebration of splashing and squelching all the way home!

Puddle by Richard Jackson 


A puddle sits despairingly as she is trampled on by humans and animals alike until something miraculous happens that makes her feel worthwhile...

About the Author

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