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Meet the Storyteller: Doug

YPRL Staff

8 September, 2023


Name: Doug

Branch: Ivanhoe Library

I Do Storytimes… I do Toddler Storytime every Thursday morning at 10.00am in the fabulous Theatrette at Ivanhoe Library. 

After Storytime: I need to sit down! Even I don't know where all my energy comes from! 

My Favourite Storytime Songs:

 I probably need to learn some new songs, however, the songs I do know are ones I can vary and play with each week to make them fresh and fun. I always start with "Hi Hello" and ask everyone for ways to say 'Hello' in different languages. For those young people who speak a language other than English, it's wonderful to see them light up and feel included when a whole room of people sings 'Hello' in a way that is familiar to them. 

'The Wheels on the Bus' is a great way to get everyone involved because everyone goes "Up and Down" when I'm driving and that bag of animals 'Old Macdonald' keeps leaving on the bus - it's always full of surprises and new sounds to make! I always end my Storytime with something I wrote myself that has a positive message about reading.  


I have a Special Storytime friend:

Ivan-Hop is my Storytime mascot. Ivan is a giant fluffy rabbit that someone abandoned. We don't know who it was, or how no one noticed him arriving but one day, Ivan was just there, sitting in the children's Library (true story). Maybe Ivan loved reading so much, he dug his way into the Library and decided to stay! 

Initially I was going to call him 'Books-Burrows' (get it) but then thought it would be fun to run a naming competition as part of Storytime. Some of the responses were hilarious and 'Ivan-Hop' came about by combining two name suggestions. Now Ivan sits on a chair each week watching me do Storytime making sure I'm doing a good job. 


I love when… 

...everyone is engaged and participating.  Seeing grown-ups involved, listening and enjoying themselves encourages young people to do exactly the same and so my aim is create an atmosphere that is fun and interactive, remember, everybody goes "Up and Down" when I'm driving the bus! 

About the Author

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