"Due to necessary maintenance, there will be changes to the Mobile Service, with a reduced browsing range and no Wi-Fi or computers available at some stops. We are working hard to resume the normal service as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience." 

The New York Times - Now FREE with your library card

YPRL Staff

26 February, 2023

Understand the world. Navigate life.

YPRL is the first library in Victoria to offer free access to the original, quality journalism of The New York Times.  

Anyone connected to library Wi-Fi or using a library computer can now automatically access The New York Times via nytimes.com or the NYTimes app. 

When not connected to library Wi-Fi, a free 24-hour subscription can be activated with a few simple steps.   

Access The New York Times in a library branch 

1. Connect to library Wi-Fi with your device or access a library computer

2. Visit nytimes.com or the NYTimes app and register or log in to an existing NYT account 

3. Read for free as long as you are connected to library Wi-Fi 

Access The New York Times at home

1. Click the following link: Access The New York Times

2. On the page, click the 'redeem' button to generate an access code

3. The page will redirect to myaccount.nytimes.com

4. Create an NYT account with your email address or log in to an existing NYT account 

5. Choose access via the nytimes.com or the NYTimes app

6. When the access period ends, repeat the steps above for a new 24-hour subscription 

Other digital newspapers available with your library card

YPRL library members can access a range of online newspapers in library branches and at home

The Age – log in to your library account on the YPRL website for digital access via the catalogue. 

News Corp publications in library only – connect to library Wi-Fi and follow the link to access publications including The Australian, The Herald Sun, The Daily Telegraph, The NT News and more.

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