Activate your PressReader subscription for free access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines as soon as they’re available.
You will need to re-verify their library credentials each month.
How to get started with PressReader
Access PressReader via your web browser
- Visit
- Enter your YPRL Member Number and the password for your library account
- You have the option to create a profile for additional features
- Start browsing and downloading
Download the PressReader app
- Download from your app store: Apple store or get it on Google Play
- Click 'sign in'
- Click 'Libraries & Groups' icon
- Enter 'Yarra Plenty Regional Library' as your library selection
- Enter your YPRL Member Number and the PIN for your library account to sign in
- Optional: Create profile for additional features. It will say to review and accept the terms and conditions by entering email address and creating new PIN
- Start browsing and downloading