Reading is fun but it's usually a solitary thing. If you read the same book as others, you can then add to your reading experience by getting together and discussing it. Book groups are a way of connecting all sorts of different people together through stories and conversation. Challenge yourself to read more widely and try different genres.
Looking to join a Book Group?
We support almost 130 Book Groups and some of our Groups are looking for new members! Due to this demand, we are not currently accepting new Groups or members.
Browse our Book Group titles
We have almost 300 different book sets to choose from and we regularly add popular and noteworthy titles to our collection! There's always plenty to choose from. Visit our Goodreads Shelf to start browsing and find your group's next great read. Explore the book covers, descriptions, ratings and reviews to help you choose.
Things you need to know:
Book Groups Membership is FREE – that's right, there are no annual fees for YPRL Book Groups!
All Book Group members must also be Library Members.
Our Book Groups are made up of 6 to 12 people and are managed and facilitated by the members.
Groups meet monthly throughout the year, with some skipping December or January to suit holiday plans.
You can pick up and return your set to your preferred Library Branch locations (not available at Hubs).
You are welcome to meet in any of our open library spaces (and bring snacks) or hire a bookable private space.
Each Book Group will nominate a Leader to organise their bookings and loans, with the support of staff as needed, and be responsible for the Book Group’s account.
Sets are available for booking on a first-in-best-dressed principle to ensure that every Group has an equal opportunity to book and read the most popular sets. To allow this, Groups can place bookings up to 90 days in advance but cannot select a full year of sets at once.
Sets can be booked and loaned for up to 46 days at a time.
Each set contains between 12 and 14 copies of the title. All copies need to be taken and returned to the library by the due date every time a set is loaned.
Sets returned incomplete will stay loaned to the Book Group account until all copies are returned to the library. We don’t charge overdue fines, but long overdue loans will limit future borrowing and may cause a waiting Book Group to miss out on their month’s title – and no one wants that! We understand that life gets in the way and copies are occasionally returned a few days late, but please make every effort to return sets complete and on time where possible.
Lost or damaged Book Group sets or copies may incur replacement costs that will be charged to the Book Group account. We’d much prefer you keep your money to spend on meeting snacks for your group, so please encourage your members to take care of their copy!
Note: Murrundindi members need to contact their local branch to discuss Book Groups.